Strengthtape Kinesiology Tape, Back & Neck

6 precut stirps. Prevent & support common injuries. It Sticks: Exclusive all sport adhesive. 123 instructions included. Water resistant. 5-7 day use. Great for: Back; Posture control; SI joint; Mid back; Lower back; Neck. Easy, pre-cut applications with instructions included. Maximum Performance: AllSport Adhesive that can be worn in any condition or environment including water, for up to 7 days; StrengthTape can be worn 24/7 to help you stay active and healthy; Provide support & stability for muscles and joints without limiting range of motion. Provides compression for injuries; A great alternative to heavy bandages and braces. Not made with natural rubber latex CE listed. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram: (at)StrengthTape. Designed in the USA and assembled in China.