Spectracide Weed Stop, For Lawns, Concentrate

This Product Contains: 0.54 Lb 2, 4-D Acid equivalent per gallon or 6.31%; 0.19 lb Macoprop-P acid equivalent per gallon or 2.25%; 0.05 Lb Dicamba acid equivalent per gallon or 0.59%; 0.62 lb Sulfentrazone per gallon or 0.18%; Isomer specific by ADAC method. Kills the root. Kills the weeds not The Lawn (When used as directed). Kills 460+ weeds as listed. Visible results in 3 hours. Kills yellow nut sedge. Connect to hose. Kills all types of listed broadleaf weeds. Including Dandelion, chickweed, clover & yellow nutsedge. Kills by contact. Kills weed roots! Treats up to 21,333 sq ft (One quart will treat up to 21,333 sq ft of St. Augustinegrass, 16,000 sq ft of other warm season grasses or 8,000 sq ft of cool season grasses. What to expect: Pre-application. Browning, curling: 3 hours. 24 hours. 72 hours. Pictured weed: Thistle. Expected visual symptoms: Leaves yellowing/browning, then curling, twisting, wilting & shriveling. Controls most common weeds including: alder, alfalfa (lexeme), alpine aster, alsike clover, alike clover, American black elderberry, American elm (white elm), American hazel, American persimmon (common persimmon), American speedwell (American brooklime), American yellow rocket, Amur honeysuckle, annual knawel (German knotweed), annual nettle (Dwarf nettle), annual rape (Wild rape), annual sow thistle (common sow thistle, milk sow thistle), annual trampweed, annual wild geranium (spotted geranium, wood geranium, cranesbills), annual yellow sweet clover, Arkansas rose, artichoke thistle, Asiatic pennywort, Asiatic witchweed, Atlantic white cedar (Southern white cedar), Austrian fieldcress, Ball mustard, bedstraw, beggarweed (Creeping beggarweed), big leaf maple, bigroot morning glory, bigtooth aspen (American aspen, white poplar), Bi-lobed speedwell (Twolobe speedwell), bindweed (wild morning glory), bird vetch, bitter sneezeweed, bitterweed, black bent (Redtop), black birch (River birch, water birch), black cherry, black cottonwood, black medick, black mustard, black willow, blackberry, blackberry elder, black-eyed Susan, blackseed plantain, blessed thistle, bloodflower (Tropical milkweed, Mexican butterfly weed), blue ash, blue elderberry, blue lettuce, blue mustard, blue toadflax, blue vervain, blue woodsorrel, blunt-leaved milkweed (clasping milkweed), box elder, bracted plantain, brambles, brass buttons, brazil pusley, Brazilian pepper, bristly mallow, bristly oxtongue, broadleaf knotweed, broad-leaved dock, broomweed, buckwheat, bulbous buttercup, bull mallow (French mallow), bull nettle, bull thistle, bur oak, burclover, burning nettle (Stinging nettle), bushy aster, bushy buttonweed, buttonweed (rough buttonweed, poorjoe), California rose, California wild grape, Canada thistle, Carolina geranium (wild), carpetweed, catchweed, catchweed, catchweed bedstraw, catnip, catsear (catsear dandelion, false dandelion, spotted and common catsear), chamber bitter, chamise, chickweed (common chickweed), chicory, Chinese yarrow (Siberian yarrow), chinkapin oak, choke cherry, coffeebean, coffeeweed (Colorado river-hemp), Common burdock, common cinqufoil (oldfield cinquefoil), common cocklebur (rough cocklebur, large cocklebur), common dandelion, common groundsel, common hakweed (yellow hawkweed), common hawthom, common honeysuckle(woodbine), common iceplant, common knapweed, common knotgrass(knotweed), common lespedeza, common lupine, common mallow(alkali mallow, buttonweed, cheeseweed, dwarf mallow), common mullein, common primrose(english primrose), common purslane, common ragweed, common salsify(goatbeard), common snowberry, common speedwell, common sunflower, common tarweed, common thistle(bull thistle), common yellow woodsorrel(yellow woodsorrel, common yellow oxails), coral bead, coen chamomile, corn speedwell, corn spurry, coyote brush, creeping buttercup, creeping woodsorrel, crimson clover, cudweed(purple cudweed), cupid dock(curled dock, yellow dock, sour dock), curly indigo(sensitive jointvetch), curlycup gumweed, cutleaf evening primrose, daisy fleabane(annual), dead nettle, desert wild grape, dewberry(garden dewberry), dichondra(Caroline ponysfoot), distaff thistle, dogbane, dogfennel, dollarweed(manyflower marshpennywort), Drummonds thistle, elk thistle, english daisy, eucalyptus(blue-gum, Tasmanian blue-gum, southern blue-gum), evergreen blackberry, fall dandelion, false flax, false sunflower, fennel, field bindweed(morning glory, creeping jenny), field burrweed(lawn burrweed, common soliva, spurweed), field horsetail, mares tail), field mouse-ear(field chickweed), field oxeye-daisy(creeping oxeye, oxeye daisy), field pansy, field pennycress(french weed), field pepperweed(field pepperwort), field violet, flatwoods plum(sloe plum), flix weed, flodman thistle(prairie), florida betony, florida prickly blackberry, floride pusley, floride yellow woodsorrel, french broom, garden spurge, garlic mustard, gaint ironweed, gaint ragweed, gooseberry, gray chickweed(gray mouse-ear chickweed), gray thistle, great burdock, great ironweed, great yellow woodsorrel, ground ivy(creeping charlie, creeping jenny), groundsel, hackberry, hairy beggarticks, hairy buttercup, hairy fleabane, hairy galinsoga, hairy vetch(fodder vetch, winter vetch), hairy-pitted storks bill, healall, heartleaf drymary, heartleaf nettle, heath aster(white heath aster), hedge mustard, hemp, Hemp sesbania, henbit, Himalayan blackberry, hoary cress, hoary plantain, hoary vervain, hoary clover, hop clover, horsenettle, horserdish, horseweed/marestail, Illinois woodsorrel, Indian mock strawberry, Indian mustard, innocence(blue-eyed mary), Italian thistle, ivyleaf morning glory, ivyleaf speedwell, Japanese honeysuckle, jewel milkweed(pallid milkweed), jewelweed, jimsonweed, devils snare, johnny-jumpup violet, kudzu, ladysthumb, smartweed, lambs quarters(goosefoot, pigweed), lambsquarters, lanceleaf ragweed, lantana, large flower pusley, late goldenrod(Canada goldenrod), leafy spurge, leafy thistle, lilac, little bittercress, little evening primrose(small sundrops), little mallow(least mallow), locust, London rocket, Mackenzie willlow, madrone, marcela, marshelder, matchweed, mayweed(stinking chamomile), meadow hawkweed, meadow thistle, misquite(honey mesquite), Mexican morning glory, mexicanweed(Mexican fireweed, kochia), mimosa, mock strawberry, mojave stinkweed, moneywort, mountain bush honeysuckle, mountain woodsorrel(wood shamrock), mouse-ear chickweed, mouse-ear hawkweed, mugwort, multiflora rose, musk thistle, narrow leaved willow, narrowleaf cudweed, narrowleaf planting (english plantain, buckhorn), nightshade(silverleaf), northern bedstraw, northern bush honeysuckle, northern pin oak, oakleaf fleabane, old world diamond flower(oldenlandia, flattop mille graines), orange hawkneed, oriental cocklebur, pale smartweed, parsley-piert(slender parsley-piert), parsnip(wild parsnip), pearlwort(birds-eye pearlwort), Pennsylvania cinquefoil(prairie cinquefoil), Pennsylvania smartweed), pigweed, pin oak(swamp Spanish oak), pineappleweed, pineywoods bedstraw(wood bedstraw), plains coreopsis(tickseed), plantain(broadleaf plantain, greater pantain, common plantain), platte thistle, plumeless thistle, poison hemlock, poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, pokeweed, port orford ceder(lawson cypress), povertyweed, prairie sunflower, prickly lettuce(compass plant), prickly sida, prostrate pigweed, prostrate spurge, prostrate verbain, prostrate vervain, puncture vine(goats-head), purple amaranth, purple aster, purple cudweed(annual purple cudweed, perennial purple cudweed), purple deadnettle, purple milkweed, purple milkvetch(purple loco, field milkvetch), purslane speedwell, quaking aspen, rabbit foot clover, raspberry(wild black raspberry), red alder, red maple(water maple, soft maple), red morning glory, red sorrel(sheeps sorrel), redroot, redroot pigweed, red-seeded dandelion, redstem filaree, redweed, redwood sorrel(oregon oxails), rough cinquefoil, rough fleabane, rough horsetail(scouringrush horsetail), Russian pigweed, Russian pigweed, Russian thistle, sage sagebrush, salmonberry, saltcedar, sassafras(white sassafras, red sassafras, silky sassafras), scarlet pimpernel, scotch broom, scotch thistle(cotton thistle), scoulers willow, shepherds purse, shiny cudweed, shortstalk stinkweed, showy evening primrose, showy goldenrod, ahowy tick-trefoil(Canadian tick-trefoil, Canada tick-clover), silver ponysfoot(silver nickel vine), skunkbush sumac, slender amaranth, slender bush clover(slender lespedeza), slender plantain, slender speedwell, slender-flower thistle, smallflower buttercup, smallflower galinsoga, small-flowered winter-cress, smooth bedstraw(crosswort), smooth bedstraw(crosswort), smooth beggarticks, smooth cats ear, smooth chaff-flower, smooth dock, smooth pigweed, sneezeweed, snow speedwell, sorrel, southern bush honeysuckle, southern cardgrass, southern wild rose(virginia rose, common wild rose), Spanish needles spatterdock, spiny amaranth, spiny cocklebur, spiny sowthistle, spotted knapweed, spotted locoweed(freckled milkvetch), spotted spurge, sprawling horseweed, St. Johnswort, Sticky chikweed (Stick mouse-ear chickweed), stiff goldenrod (Stiff-leaved goldenrod), strawberry clover, swamp smartweed, sweet goldenrod, sweet gum (American sweetgum), swinecress, tall beggarticks, tall milkweed (Poke milkweed), tall morning glory (Common morning glory), tall nettle, tall thistle, tall vervain, tanoak (tanbark-oak), tansy mustard, tansy ragwort, tanweed (water knotweed, water smartweed), teaweed texas filaree, thimbleberry, three flower beggarweed, thymeleaf speedwell, toadflax (common toadflax, yellow toadflax), tooth-leaved croton (tropic croton, sand croton), trailing blackberry, trailing crownvetch, tree tobacco, trumpet creeper (trumpet vine, cow itch vine, hummingbird vine), tufted evening primrose (fragrant evening primrose), tufted knotweed, tumble mustard, tumble pigweed, velvetleaf, Venice mallow, vetch (Common vetch, garden vetch), vine maple, violet woodsorrel, Virginia buttonweed, Virginia creeper, Virginia pepperweed (Peppergrass), Virginia winged rockcress, Wandering cudweed, Water pennywort (Floating marshpennywort), wavyleaf thistle (Gray thistle), western clematis, western ragweed, western salsify (Goatsbeard), white ash (American ash), white clover (Dutch clover, honeysuckle clover, white trefoil, purplewort (annual or perennial)), white mustard, white prairie aster, white sweet clover (White melilot), whitestem filaree, whitetop, wild blackberry (Thornless blackberry), wild buckwheat, wild carrot, wild cherry, wild four-oclock, wild garlic (wild onion), wild honeysuckle (Tartarian honeysuckle), wild lettuce, wild marigold (Roundleaf marigold, southern marigold), wild morning glory (Hedge bindweed), wild plum (American plum), wild radish, wild rose (Prickly wild rose), wild strawberry, wild sweet potato, wild vetch, wild violet, willow-leafed poplar (Narrowleaf cottonwood), winter speedwell (Persian speedwell), wood nettle, woolly croton (Hogwort, Goatweed), woolly morning glory, woolly plantain, woollyleaf bursage, wooly burdock (Downy burdock), wooly locoweed, wormseed, wormseed mustard, wreath goldenrod ((Woodland goldenrod), wrinkleleaf goldenrod (Roughstemmed goldenrod), yarrow (Common yarrow), yellow birch (Golden birch), yellow nutsedge, yellow rocket (Winter cress, bitter wintercress, wild mustard), yellow starthistle, yellow sundrops (Shrubby evening primrose), yellow sweet clover, (Yellow melilot, ribbed melilot, common melilot), yellow thistle (Horrible), yellowflower pepperweed, yellowspine thistle. www.spectracide.com. Questions or Comments? Call 1-800-917-5438 or visit our website at www.spectracide.com. Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage and disposal. Pesticide Disposal and Container Handling: Nonrefillable container. Do not reuse or refill this container. If empty: Place in trash or offer for recycling, if available. If party filled: Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.