Peak Antifreeze + Coolant, 50/50 Prediluted, All Vehicles 1 gal

10 x more scale inhibitors (Versus legacy Peak Antifreeze + Coolant technologies). 10+ years 300,000+ miles (Lifetime Protection: 10+ years/300,000+ miles lifetime guarantee when a complete cooling system flush and fill is performed and proper cooling system maintenance is followed. Always follow vehicle owner's manual for top-off requirements, change intervals and specified maintenance. See for more details). Longer-lasting protection (Versus legacy Peak Antifreeze + Coolant technologies). Prevents cooling system deposit. Maximizes engine cooling. Protects cooling system components. 10 perfect water pump test core (Received the top rating (10) for protecting the water pump in industry standard water pump test, ASTM 02809). Avoids costly repairs. All Vehicles Compatibility: Cars; SUVs; Light/medium/duty trucks. All makes/ All models. All coolant colors. All coolant technologies. Protection Chart: Freeze Protection: Negative 34 degrees F (Negative 36 degrees C). Boilover Protection (Using a 15 psig [103 Pa] pressure cap): 265 degrees F (129 degrees C). Corrosion Protection: Protects all cooling system metals meets ASTM D3306 & D4985.