Uncle Ben's® Natural Whole Grain Brown Rice 5 lb. Bag
Perfect every time. Great Taste & Texture: Supports a healthy heart (Diet rich in whole grains and other plant foods and low in fat saturated fat and cholesterol may help reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers); gluten free; full daily recommended amount of whole grains (USDA Dietary Guidelines recommended eating 3 servings (48 g) or more of whole grains daily). What's Inside Per Serving: 180 calories (9% DV); 1.5 total fat (2% DV); 0 g sat fat (0% DV); 0 g sugars (No DV defined); 0 mg sodium (0% DV). 100% Whole Grain: 48 g or more per serving. Eat 48 g or more of whole grains daily. wholeGrainsCouncil.org. Fruits. Vegetables. Grains. Protein. Dairy. ChooseMyPlate.gov. Facebook: Find us on Facebook. We would love to hear from! (Please have this package available) 1-800-54-Uncle. 1-800-548-6253. Grown in the USA. Uncle Ben's brand products use premium rice grains grown in the USA.