New Earth Top Shelf Cactus Soil, Organic,

100% locally sourced from our community. Enriched with Medina since 1962. Growing green. Since 1997. Top Shelf Cactus Soil: Top Shelf Cactus Soil is proud to be an OMRI listed organic product. Top Shelf Cactus Soil is designed for cactus, palms, citrus, and succulents, with aged pine bark, peat moss, and manure compost. Top Shelf Cactus Soil is crafted to improve water drainage and boost root development for sun-loving, drought-tolerant plants. Plant directly into this soil or mix it into your existing soil. Go Texan. New Earth, the makers of Top Shelf, have supplied Texans with superior composts, soils, mulches, and more since 1997, and recycles over 400,000 tons of organic material yearly and growing. Most New Earth products are taken in as organic waste and will be used to replenish the earth. New Earth is proud to play a part in recycling organic waste and creating sustainability for our communities. New Earth is a proud member of Leonard Holding Company's family of businesses. Sustainability Cycle: Put back into the earth; Organic waste; Brought to New Earth; Created; Bagged & shipped. OMRI listed. For organic use. US Composting Council. Seal of Testing Assurance.